Tuesday 4 October 2011

Brown's Going Down

You know the “Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown, right? Surely you do. If you don’t I turn my head from you and almost feel a tiny bit jealous. Well as we all know it has plagued the Earth for a long time in both print and film – and probably audio book, comic, interpretative dance, musical theatre and puppets. Anyway I’m pretty sure everyone has been near, seen, owned or at least read the book. I’ve noticed lately that everyone must have read the copy their obscure relative gave them at Christmas and then given them to a second-hand store.
My challenge to you is to go in to any charity shop, op-shop or thrift store and NOT see a copy of Dan Brown’s “Da Vinci Code” or any Dan Brown book. Whether it’s “Angels and Demons” or any of the others, which I have forgotten at present, I bet there will be at least one on average at every store.
Go forth and discover! Laugh at its neglect. 

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